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The Sutra of the Ten Good deeds

Ananda said:

"I heard Buddha taught the Sutra of the Ten Good Actions to his disciples in the palace of King Ta-Kiet La Long Vuong." Ta Kiet La Long Vuong had a good position in that Dharma meeting so that Buddha called him and said:

"Because of the different thoughts, all beings have created different karma. Based on these karma, beings are in a cycle of re-birth (reincarnated) in one of the six different universe. The different forms and appearances of beings come from the karma which had been created by the their actions, speech and thoughts. An intelligent person who understands the law of cause and effect should practice the ten good actions to obtain beautiful body forms and be re-born into the world of purity. "La Long Vuong; look at the good body forms and the brightness ejecting from Shakyamuni Buddha and the Bodhisittvas! These are the results of good action practiced. Beings having unattractive or attractive appearances are due to both bad and good karma created by themselves. "La-Long Vuong! One should know that the Bodhisittvas posses a method to eliminate the miseries from the bad karma. That is to observe and practice good actions, continue to accumulate good karma and do not give any chance for bad action to start. These good actions are:

a) There are three good bodily actions:

_ Do not kill but free all beings.

_ Do not steal but practice charity.

_ Do not commit adultery but live a moral life.

b) There are four good oral actions:

_ Do not lie. Only speak of the truth.

_ Do not exaggerate.

_ Do not speak to disunite, speak to reconcile.

_ Do not speak cruelly, speak nicely.

c) There are three good thoughts:

_ Do not be greedy or over desirous; rather understand the impurity of all things and all beings.

_ Do not be angry; rather understand and practice compassion.

_ Do not be ignorant; rather understand the law of cause and effect.

I. No killing: When one does not kill, one will obtain 10 ways to detach oneself from the sufferings:

1. Give to and never ask others to pay one back.

2. Compassionate toward all beings.

3. Eliminate angry emotions.

4. Have a healthy life.

5. Have longevity.

6. Often aided and protected by Sages.

7. Sleep well without nightmares.

8. Eliminate all resentments.

9. Never be born into one of the three lower worlds (Hell, Ghost, Animals).

10. Be born into the higher worlds/spheres.

II. No stealing: When one does not steal, one will gain trust in 10 different ways:

1. Have a good material life, never be affected by natural disasters. Will not be bankrupted by one's own children.

2. Be well liked by everyone.

3. Not be betrayed by anyone.

4. Be admired by everyone.

5. Not lose anything.

6. Have good reputation.

7. Danger free.

8. Be prosperous in every aspect.

9. Always want to give.

10. Be born into mighty universe.

III. No adultery: When one lives a moral life, one will gain 4 merits, such as:

1. The six roots of sensation are completed (eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind).

2. The elimination of all miseries.

3. Family is safe from intruders.

4. Have good reputation and is admired by everyone.

IV. No lying: When one does not lie, one will gain 5 merits, such as:

1. Speak rightfully.

2. Be loved by human beings and high spirits.

3. Conversation will not be mistaken.

4. Have a high intelligent level.

5. Enjoy a desired life and the 3 karma are pure.

V. No disunity: When one does not disunite, one will gain:

1. A safe life.

2. A close relationship with kin.

3. A strong faith.

4. A deep understanding.

5. Good teachers and friends.

VI. No cruel speech: When one does not speak cruelly, one will gain pure karma, such as:

1. Generosity.

2. Speak beneficially.

3. Speak truly.

4. Speak nicely.

5. Other will listen.

6. Speak believably.

7. Speak acceptably.

8. Speak to make everyone happy.

If these 8 merits are forwarded to Buddhahood, when attaining enlightenment, one will gain the speaking ability like those of Bodhisatvas' and the Buddhas'.

VII. No exaggeration: When one does not exaggerate, one will gain these:

1. Educated people love you.

2. The ability to answer questions bases on true knowledge.

3. Respectable position in both human world and spirits world.

VIII. No greedy: When one does not greedy, one will gain the 4 self-contentment:

1. All three karma (action, speaking, though) are stabilized because the causes of all senses are sufficient.

2. Not losing any personal property.

3. Please with one's blessing.

4. Gain pleasant things without wishing for them.

IX. No anger: When one is not short-tempered, one will gain these:

1. Not have thoughts that would endanger anyone.

2. Not have an angry mind.

3. Not have a disputed mind.

4. Have a fair mind.

5. Have the compassion that Buddha has.

6. Always help beings.

7. Have a respectable appearance.

8. Have a patient mind and will be born into almighty universe.

X. No ignorance: If one is not ignorant, one will gain these:

1. A rightful knowledge and have more good friends.

2. An understanding of cause and effect; one would rather sacrifice oneself than to commit a bad act.

3. Take refuge in Buddha, not in other gods or devils.

4. Right understanding and fair mind.

5. Born into the almighty universe.

6. Happiness and mindfulness will expand.

7. Eliminate the wrong doings, always practice the right actions.

8. Do not put oneself before others' well being; therefore, bad karma is not created.

9. Retain in right understanding.

10. Will not be in dangerous situations.

"La Long Vuong! The existence all human beings and spirits depend on is these 10 good karma. The enlightenment of the Buddhas and Bodhisittvas is also based on these ten good actions. Therefore everyone must learn and practice them." Ta Kiet La Long Vuong and Buddha disciples were very happy after listening Buddha's discourse. They vowed to believe and practice his teachings.

· Supplement words:

The ten good karmas as well as ten bad karmas are created by actions, speech, and thoughts. For example, in the rice-field, the weeds represent bad karma and the rice represents good karma; they grow together. Weed always grows faster than rice and stop the development of the rice. If we want to have a good harvest, we have to kill the weeds. Hence, if we want good karma, we have to eliminate the bad karma.

By controlling the bad karma and developing the good karma; we will obtain the following benefits:

1. Self-cultivating in a positive way:

Beings are controlled by the karmas. Practicing the ten good actions will change one's characteristics and become a good person. For example, instead of killing, one should try to save others' lives. In this ssense, one's nature will more compassionate and one's enemies will become one's friends.

2. Improving one's society:

The situation is like a big mirror. It reflects any action being created. If one laughs then one's image will laugh, if one cries then one's image will cry. If one does more good actions and help other beings, one makes this world becomes more peaceful. If one does not hold grudges but practice being patient one will not create wars and will live in a joyful world.

3. Will be re-born into the almighty universe.

Practicing the ten good actions leads us to the almighty world in the next life.

4. The foundation for basic concepts.

All Buddhas and Bodhisatvas use these ten good actions as the fundamental to get out of samsara and attain enlightenment. Practicing these good actions will purify the three karmas created by actions, speech and thoughts. If one forwards these beneficial acts to other beings, one will attain enlightenment. Finally, by practicing these ten good actions, ones' nature will be changed; and so ones' life will be peaceful. One will not be re-born into one of the three lower worlds. We hope everyone practices the ten good actions so it benefits all beings.

Chánh Thiện

  1. Ngài Ma Ha Ca Diếp - Ma-Ha Ca-Diep
  2. Ngài A Nan Ðà - A Nan Da
  3. Ngài Nguyên Thiều - NguyenThieu
  4. Ngài Liễu Quán - LieuQuan
  5. Bốn Sự Thật Cao Thượng(Tứ Diệu Ðế) - The Four Noble Truths
  6. Mười Hai Nhân Duyên (Thập nhị nhân duyên) - The Principle of The Dependent Origination (Paticca samuppada)
  7. Tám Chánh Ðạo - The Eight-Fold Noble Path
  8. Kinh Mười Ðiều Thiện - The Sutra of The Ten good deeds
  9. Thiện Ác Nghiệp Báo  - Karma
  10. Sáu Ðộ - The Six Perfections
  11. Phép Quán Tưởng và Niệm Phật - The Methods of Meditating on Buddha
  12. Bát Quan Trai - The Eight Retreat Precepts
  13. Phật Giáo Việt Nam Từ Ðời Trần đến Cận Ðại - Buddhism in Vietnam from The Tran Dynasty to Present
  14. Tình Thần Không Chấp Thủ, Tinh Thần Tùy Duyên Bất Biến
  15. Phật Giáo Là Triết Học Hay là Một Tôn Giáo?
  16. Quan Ðiểm Của Phật Giáo Về Con Người - Vấn Ðề Tâm Vật Trong Ðạo Phật -  Buddhist viewpoint On Human Beings. About Spirit and Matter In The Buddhism
  17. Quan Ðiểm Của Phật Giáo Về Vũ Trụ - Vấn Ðề Nguyên Nhân Ðầu Tiên - Buddhism's Viewpoint ON The Universe The First Cause